Posts Tagged With: Jackson Pollock

Jackson Pollock And Painting With Kids


You can’t go wrong with paint and marbles!!

We first looked at some of Jackson Pollock’s paintings online and talked a bit about his techniques, using such terms as “impressionism” and “modernism”.  We were both attracted to the painting “The She Wolf” 1943.  As it turned out, we did this project during this month’s full wolf moon, which made us feel all happy and in touch with bella luna….

This was a fun project.  Captain experienced a bit of frustration about “taking it too far” which led to a discussion about an artist’s internal voice that tells her when to stop, as she can always add, change or continue at a later time.  Success!


We used two old baking sheets and taped a large piece of paper in each.  We mixed up powdered tempera paint in red, yellow and blue (not too thick!) and dripped them, one at a time, onto our papers (or in a line), then put a marble or two on the sheet and then moved the marble around by gently tilting the tray.

At first, Captain liked mine better but we discovered, after drying, that hers had a panther face in it!

Visit for lots of free printables and some fun ideas.

Good thoughts!  Karen

Categories: Art Rocks For Kids!, Homeschooling Projects | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

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