Make a Fall “Tree of Thanks”!


Our Tree of Thanks from last year.  She couldn’t give them up, so we kept the leaves in Captain’s memory box.

I just love Autumn, with its promise of rain, Halloween plans, Captain’s 6th birthday, and, oh yes, the season of crafts! Before we even begin to color and carve pumpkins, paint fall trees and collect acorns, we have already been planning this years “Tree of Thanks”. It is the easiest thing to do, as long as you have a bit of wall space and a large piece of brown paper. Simply sketch a tree out onto the paper, add details with sharpies, trim it out, and tape it to the wall.  Voila!

For the leaves, we collected oak and maple leaves and traced them onto red, yellow, orange and green construction paper. We traced a bunch of them ahead of time and then the whole family cut them out, as needed, to keep a stack on hand. Every morning, Captain would fill out a couple more of them with things like: Mom & Dad, Cake, Music, Grandmas etc. Anyone who came over would add one too and our tree was soon filled with leaves from us all.

I highly recommend this simple “Thanksgiving” themed project. It is fun, easy, reminds us to be grateful, and looks adorable on the wall 🙂


Here’s to a beautiful start to the Fall Season!


Categories: Family fun, Homeschooling Projects, Positive Parenting | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “Make a Fall “Tree of Thanks”!

  1. easycraftsforchildren

    How lovely, great and simple idea 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Very Sweet!

  3. Miriam

    Great idea! I have a question for you, because this is part of my problem with arts and crafts… do you tend to just have a lot of supplies on hand for projects? Do you plan in advance and then make special trips to buy stuff, or order it online?
    I feel like we have plenty of basic art supplies around, but not enough for many projects I read about (like the brown paper for this…). Perhaps I just need to get more organized about it.

    • I actually do have a good stock of supplies around, and only buy stuff when absolutely necessary for a specific project. Otherwise we make do with what we have, which is part of the fun. What I do highly recommend having is one large roll of paper (you’ll only have to buy it once and the uses are endless- I got mine for cheap at a hardware store- it was meant to be used for cover up while painting) and the other thing is a big pack of quality construction paper. I got mine at Costco 2 years ago for I think $10. We cut the brown paper for stationary scrolls, report covers etc. I think those 2 things are the paper “staples” 🙂

  4. I love your projects Karen! 🙂

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