Make Fun Egyptian Gold Bracelets!


Toilet paper tubes, paper towel pieces, macaroni, glue and gold spray paint. Yep, that’s all it took to make these sturdy cuff bracelets!

When delving into Ancient-Egypt studies, there is nothing more fun that the huge variety of crafts and projects that can be done. This is a remarkably simple project that makes for some surprisingly sturdy costume jewelry for play. Captain made these delightful gold cuffs with just a little help from mom. And, don’t forget, these cuffs are for boys too. Egyptian men and boys adorned themselves with beautiful jewelry as well!

You’ll Need: One toilet paper tube per set of cuffs, a paper towel, white school glue, a small bowl, dry macaroni and gold spray paint 


1. Cut the toilet paper tube in half. Cut lengthwise along the tube to make it cuff-style (so they fit on any sized wrist as well). The child can then draw a line where the macaroni is going to be glued on, if they wish.

2. Mix a squirt of white glue into a bowl and add a little water to thin it. Twist a scrap of paper towel and dip it into the glue/water mixture and affix it to the middle of the cuff, as seen above. Press down firmly.


3. Spread white glue thickly onto the top and bottom border of the cuff (inside the lines if you drew them) and affix your macaroni.


4. Bend the tubes back into bracelets and let dry.


5. After completely dry, a parent, or other adult, can spray the outside of the cuffs with gold spray paint.


Voila! They dry quickly and are ready for play. Again, they are quite sturdy and look so much cooler than one would think from the materials used to make them!

I hope you enjoy making these Egyptian bracelets too!

Gold thoughts and cheer,


Categories: Family fun, History Rocks For Kids! | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Make Fun Egyptian Gold Bracelets!

  1. That’s awesome!

  2. This is a fun project to do , I liked it very much. Thank you for sharing

  3. Beautiful work!

  4. Reblogged this on dizzydolphin123 and commented:
    Love this!

  5. Love this!

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